The Montessori Method
We believe that the Montessori method best serves our commitment to foster within our children the foundation for a lifetime of independent learning. The Montessori method is a respectful, child-centered educational model. The materials provide the children with various activities that meet their developmental needs. The activities progress from simple to complex and move from concrete to abstract.
During the day the children are involved in both group and individual activities. Montessori education encourages mixed age groups so that children may move at their own individually appropriate academic pace while staying with their peer group.
The children have the opportunity to help others with tasks they have already learned. The children work in a prepared environment, have the freedom of choice, and are encouraged to become independent individuals. The dignity of the child is never offended.
The creative process is fostered in every aspect of the program. The Montessori method gives the child the opportunity to bring into existence a truly creative product. He is given the knowledge and skills to create himself.